Gallery 2: Fire Club

Thousands of RGB LED nodes cover the walls and ceiling to create a wrap-around video screen. Photos: Gordon Haslett.

This was one of the first projects I worked on with Halo. It consists of a wrap-around LED screen covering the walls and ceiling of the dance floor. Here is a short extract from a description by Pete Brewis writing in Night Magazine, May 2007 issue:

"To help develop the concept, Guenancia brought in Gordon Haslett from the architectural side of the Halo consultancy team. Through a combination of detailed designs and CAD mock-ups, Haslett created a scheme to convert the curved railway arch into a five faced LED screen of Color Kinetics LED RGB nodes that would form the pixels for the screen. The first major consideration was the spacing between nodes, balancing the budget with the need for a dense enough arrangement to trick the eye into seeing a coherent picture – despite the arch’s restricted headroom."

See below for  Anthony Dickenson's video for Groove Armada "I Won't Kneel" shot in the installation (the LEDs come into their own in the second half of the video).

Link to a showcase about Fire fron Color Kinetics:

Link from Architainment, supplies to Halo of Color Kinetics products, about the project:

Photos: Gordon Haslett

My original visualisation of the project for the client. Although several design changes were susequently made the basic concept remained the same.

Installation drawing showing panel layout and LED string patching.